"*" indicates required fields Step 1 of 5 20% PROVE YOU'RE THE ULTIMATE POGUE AND ANSWER A SERIES OF QUESTIONS TO REGISTER FOR TICKETS!Tickets are limited to two (2) per person, while supplies last, and do not guarantee entry, which is first come first serve until capacity is reached. Event confirmation will be emailed upon checkout. Attendees must be able to attend in person on February 18, 2023, in Huntington Beach, California, USA. Tickets do not include travel, accommodations, or any other benefit, which is the responsibility of the attendee. Must be 16 years and older to obtain tickets and attend. Open to US residents only. See official rules. Void where prohibited. Please enter your birthdateMonth*0 of 2 max characters MonthDay*0 of 2 max characters DayYear*0 of 4 max characters Year PLEASE ENTER YOUR ZIP/POSTAL CODEZIP / POSTAL CODE*0 of 5 max characters Poguelandia will take place in Huntington Beach, CA. Registration for tickets does not include travel, accommodations, or any other benefits. WHAT IS OUTER BANKS KNOWN AS?* CITY OF ETERNAL SUNSHINE HEAVEN OF TREASURE PARADISE ON EARTH HOME OF BLUE SKIES AND WATER Who are the original Pogues?* WARD, RAFE, ROSE, TOPPER JOHN B, JJ, KIE, POPE SHOUPE, PETERKIN, BRATCHER, BARRY CARLA, RENFIELD, CARLOS, LOU WHAT ANIMAL DOES JJ DRAW ON THE POGUELANDIA FLAG?* CHICKEN MONKEY FISH PIG Whip out your pogue handbook dude! Looks like you need more Pogue practice. Ask yourself: what would John B. do? The best way to find that out is by catching OBX3 Feb 23! Bummer! This event is for 16 and older. While we’ll miss you at Poguelandia, remember to tune in on February 23rd to find out what trouble The Pogues are getting into next! TERMS & CONDITIONS AND RULES & REGULATIONS